We help clients cut out the waste factor and get their "UNFAIR" share. if you want MORE THAN YOUR FAIR SHARE, let me help you! The Baer Edge specializes in giving YOUR business a competitive edge.
In the U.S., so much fear has arisen in regard to our economy. It is important for us not to look at our current economic situation as dire, or bad, or disastrous. Instead look at it as “fallow”. The wise farmer allows portions of his fields to lie fallow for a season or two in…
Billionaire, Warren Buffett pumped $5 billion into Goldman Sachs, and then followed that up with a $3 billion investment in General Electric. In troubled times, Warren drives a hard bargain and ends up with extraordinary value. In other words, Warren buys low and then sells high. He is a contrarian. While others go into the…