Google AdWords Assisted Conversions (Part 6 of 6)

Google AdWords Assisted Conversions (Part 6 of 6)

Google AdWords Assisted Conversions (Part 6 of 6) Columns are very important in measuring the success of your campaign. Options include Impressions, Clicks, Click Through Rate, Impressions Share, Conversions and much more. A tool that users don’t utilize enough is the assisted conversions column. We will be covering this important detail in the final installment…

It’s a Google World

Interesting excerpt and perspective from recent posting on Google raises our expectations about things both deep and shallow. Unhappiness and anxiety dwell in that space between reality and expectations. When our expectations about significant things – justice, peace, health, and knowledge – exceed reality by significant margins, the difference can motivate us to achieve marvelous…

Friday Fast Facts

As you are reading this blog – you are an example of why Social Media is so important to tap into… Here are 5 Friday Fast Facts on Why You Need to Boost Your Social Media Life this weekend!  Help manage your company’s or brand’s reputation Build brand awareness and helps improve how people view…